Legitimate Success



1. What is Success?

2. Why is it such a trending topic to discuss?

3. Do virtually everyone get to achieve this "Success" ?

4. How and why Success is not achieved

a). Fear of the unknown

b). Procrastination

c). Limited Belief

d). Self Confidence

e). Time abuse

5. End note









Chapter 1 

What is Success?

Success as a word, i believe, is not new to human knowledge and thus proclaimed, i do not wish to bore you down with unduly repeatation of that, which is constantly said and is written by many. But not withstanding, i have to drop a few lines as you are going to gulp down the whole information in this write-up, from my own point of view. Call it perception if you choose.

Success is a very trending topic among the world of "Authors and their Readers". It is basically completing or achieving a set-out goal or ambition. When a desire or want is worked upon and it turns out to be fruitful or went exactly as planned, this would be described as Success. (You can call me Rabbi, though i would love such, but my "Success" would be when you read and implement what you learnt from me and become Successful too!).

Success in other words could also be placed in definition as, "Realizing potentials through raw engagement  of Skill, Faith and Logic, with sole aim of getting something done right, or achieving a feat".

But just as everything was even during first creations, there are always two sides to everything. The good and the bad. Success even though very vital and essential, has sides too, good and bad sides! I term it the LEGITIMATE and ILLEGITIMATE Success. But i am a positivity fan so am  going to be specifically concentrating purposefully on the "good" side, LEGITIMATE SUCCESS!

Chapter 2

Why is it such a trending topic to discuss?

Actually, Success is a tool that helps one live a good life, a life one controls and not the opposite. If you are Successful in life, it gives you a control feeling of whatever that goes on around you so it's no wonder why it's sought after virtually by almost every right thinking living individual. No one really would want to have a bad life to spend while living(now am sounding like a preacher). And naturally with that being said, it would be a common incidence to occur, to seeing people constantly seeking for that which is expected to make life easy, and as such, it is expected to be the most talked about and likewise, trending discussion always as an important necessity that it is.

Truth be told, even when people try to be successful in one endeavor or the other, and they are unable to, they still value and fancy those who have already acquired it and brutally frown and shun on fellows who are in the same fate with them. And i think this further proves the saying that humans love success so much more than anything. This facts combine to make the word success, an unending topic of discussion in the works of writers and Success clarity coaches.

Chapter 3

Do virtually everyone get to achieve this "Success"

Being Successful in life is Fulfillment. Being Successful in a defined set goal is Achievement, while being Successful in an engagement; be it daily engagement or a particular engagement; is Accomplishment. But one thing makes them all one. "Getting things done, the way one wants it". This brings you to the part where you repeat the question that houses the chapter we are in.

A lot of people have dreams,make plans and even act upon  certain decisions and choices they make but at the end of such engagement or after quite a while, detailed analysis would reveal that most didn't meet up their set-out goals while others got floated away from their initial belief. Failure? Yes! defined failure but not a total defeat, in other words, temporary failure. 

To be frank, not everyone attain success height. And why this is so would be briefed in the subsequent chapters ahead .

Chapter 4

How and why, Success is not achieved?

If according to entirety or a recap of all what have been said in the previous chapters  of this book, says that Success is a necessity to every individual, i see every right owned by the reader, to be given full knowledge of exactly what to avoid to constantly remain in the track of  attaining the said Success.

Below i will be stating some dangerous devices, which whenever applied by an individual, pushes one off the track of Success and worst of all is, it keeps and places ones imagination in the dark beliefs of how impossible it would be to go for Success.

1. Fear of the unknown
2. Procrastination
3. Limited belief
4.Self confidence
5. Time abuse

Woah! did i throw it at you? c'mon, you better catch it and stop moping around. Lols!

I didn't thought of a better way to have started answering the above header question, than going straight to the point to listing out some of the major factors i see, to be the cause of the header subject, above.

How i so much desire passionately, that after reading this article, one would learn and make use of the lessons of the write-up to step up to the Success platform. That would be a great delight to me. This being said, has prompted me to exposing some factors to further bring to light (at least, those i know off); though they have been repeatedly brought to light by great men and women whom have also used platforms as am using now,in writing, and so many other platforms, in the past. Example of this such great people i can mention here are, NAPOLEON OLIVER HILLS, in a book he wrote, titled, Think and Grow Rich. Donald J Trump, American real estate guru and world class writer amongst of his writing include, Think like A Champion. And also one of America's best seller authors, John C. Maxwell in one of his numerous "Success" minded articles he titled, How Successful People Think. And the list is endless. But all am trying to say or point out to you, is for you to be aware of every possible knowledge you need, to be equipped and ready to go for Success and a Legitimate approach as well to be applied in the process.

Thus, i would alert dear reader to be "very focused" at this point and concentrate on previous listed out "Vices" that would hinder one from achieving Success and why it's so as we discuss them below.

(A). Fear of the unknown

Most times, people fail to achieve some specific Success in a set-out or fixed goal earlier aimed at, to be accomplished. This is usually a case of one, not doing the supposed, out-rightly, because he/she believes that the task ahead, is too difficult or impossible to be accomplished and this sometimes is accompanied by a second thought that no one has actually been recorded successful in such endeavor and thus become paralyzed by the fear of the unknown outcome of an adventure yet to be ventured in. 

One dangerous thing about Success(i call it dangerous because what i have to say ahead, will explain to you what i mean by saying so) is that, you must be conscious of it, embrace it's sub-conscious presence before it's physical manifestation. If you must achieve Success, you must be aware in your conscious state and see it as an order placed, that must be carried out, thus, in your course of awaiting the manifestation through putting things in orderly manner, like one who is expecting something, you can dare make or take actions ordinarily you wouldn't have, were you not expectant.

For an example, consider this imaginary man that exist only in the imaginative world of the writer. He opens  a pub in one of the hottest area within the great city of London. This pub runs smoothly and successfully for a while, then stops booming after enjoying its succession for quite some few years. Wow! at this point i guess even the reader at this point might conclude this man's business as a "Fail". Maybe!

Naturally, sadness, worry, depression, frustration would have been the best approach and relaxing zone for a person witnessing such a set back, but further read before you draw conclusions.

Upon making rounds within similar pubs as his, around the city, this man found out that his pub was not only outdated in style, but also the most local of its counterparts. As would have been a case of so many, this business and Success minded personality of our discuss, was not too learned to start over again on working on his business strategy, but what he did instead was to forget how impossible it would be to start all over again or if probably the business would work again and regain it's success glory, rather, he was bold and went straight first into consulting with experts regarding what he was about reventuring into and he was ofcourse, equipped with the modern way of running his pub once more, and if i should ask you, dear reader, with his previous experience in the business line and his newly acquired knowledge, would he not be found soon, in the top ranking of his line of business or if not the best?

He would! its logical, he will.

One thing connects this fictitious story to our head tag(subject) above. There was this courage to venture into a task even when logical reasoning would have warned otherwise. He was already outdated. Business stopped booming, obviously he lost customers. The new pubs were doing great now, meaning they had the customers now. If this is so, maybe i should just give up on the business. Maybe i can't convince the people again to come back to me, he would have thought. "Fear of The Unknown". But he ventured in anyway, and hear it from me, he got back so well and was more Successful than before because while he was earlier successful, he left a name(business name) in the minds of his customers and such is hard to totally clean off. When they starts seeing new changes in their previous hang out, "why wont we go back" they would say gladly.

Many more could be said on this subject matter, "fear of the unknown" but little saying is all a wise man requires. So i recap it all as we have read summarily by saying, "A venture is far more profitable  than a forfeiture of an adventure"

Try it before you can say how it is!

(B). Procrastination

Among known factors that is most commonly known to have hindered a lot of individuals to attaining Success is procrastination. The ideas flows in constantly, but the action time is yet never ripe, so the "Victim" always imagines. 

Get rid of posting dates when it comes to ideas being worked upon. Now is and will always be the right time to work on Your Instincts, Your Beliefs, Your Thoughts, Your Ideas. Now!!

(C). Limited Belief(s)

Though as uncomprehending as life is(some call it mysterious, don't know which is right to quote), it still baffles me rather, how some set of individuals would come to the mediocre of believing that some certain things can only be done in a certain way. Ridiculous! Worst of all, such beliefs are extended to the point of nurturing wild thoughts of belief that some things could never be possible. When i imagine such as later stated, i only think of imprisonment as the only punishable measure to be measured out for such set of people. why? These people make use of electricity, telephones, automobile gadgets and others, this are all products of impossibility, so if any one should still claim ignorance of "possibility to everything" kind of mindset, i see that person as illegal, a thief who stills what doesn't belong to it.

Be open minded and consider every "approach" that is approachable!

(D). Self Confidence

This  actually is a very delicate matter to just be discussed as one deems fit. Judging from the fact that i, the writer, once suffered from this "Success" hinder-er at a point in my life too. 

Believing in one's self helps at those drowning point in every "Success" haunt. Where all else seem meaningless, only one's self confidence can  enable a go ahead through one's personal motivation or external source motivation. Not having self motivation can quench the zeal to go further when the flames are up or cripple the possibilities in the mind of the individual towards achieving the  already embarked "journey".

The process of getting Success is like a trip. This time, an imaginary trip that locomotes through the aid of "thought-vehicles", which i can only mention few below:

  1. Self Esteem
  2. Perseverance
  3. Faith 
  4. Understanding
  5. Dedication
Others may exist, but not within my knowledge, as at when i write this.

(E). Time abuse

I could have removed this from my personal diary book where i penned down this article in it's raw form before typing presently on the computer, but after i did some research and some considerable good meditation, i found out that actually, the term "Time abuse" and "Procrastination" are of different meaning. In the writers understanding, time abuse refers to the appropriation of time, required for a particular string of event, aligned with one's ambition of achieving Success being taken for granted, while procrastination maybe seeking or waiting for the right time to dare venture let alone talk about making progress or delay involved in the process.

You may get to understand better what point exactly am trying to bring out from this subject matter, through this self little moonlight-tale kind of illustration below 

 If as a Netpreneur, i spend most of my time developing and writing codes, i could as well be selling on 0.00$ as i have failed to also raise followers through campaigns to follow my product or services up while i work on modifying the site bit on bit. Someone else may easily get the basics of my idea, develop the replica to it in a bit standard way, and campaigns for followers whom through patronage, is helping contribute to the development of the other said brand. And what is the cause? Ans: Excess time was spent on a spot. It was supposed to be a "Mary-go-Round" dedication of time.

The above instance(hope you won't use the clue negatively?😉) have been my reason for insisting on writing on the above header.(remember i said earlier, i couldn't have written as regards the subject similarity with our previous subject matter, Procrastination).

(5). End Note

The above sub-listed hindrances, said it all about what makes Success,unachievable, sometimes. Am largely sure that same information too, would make one also thread the right paths of achieving it. Going down you will get to read how some of this "defectors" denying one of achieving Success, could be averted and thus, Success be achieved.

Possible ways to achieve success in any embarked, set-out defined goal, aimed to be attained.

      <i>Think about your decision of this daily

      <ii>There would be consequences, endure to reap in bounty

      <iii>She is cunning, distracting but wise, be cautious as you draw close to her

      <iv>She stays longer with a honest person than the opposite of latter

      <v>Have a rugged and strong spirit, life will help her throw obstacles full with betrayals and disappointment, your way

      <vi>Always think, before you talk,conclude or act
